Course Profile

The Course Profile page displays information about the course. The profile gives you the opportunity to edit that information, register course participants, import exam graders, and import scores.

This topic covers the information displayed in the profile and links to the topics describing actions that you can perform on the profile page.

Course Profile Information

The Course Profile displays the following information:

Field Description
course name Displays the friendly name for the course.
course id Displays identification combination that helps track this course.
ceu type Displays the credit type this course awards.
notes Displays any free-text notes entered in the process of adding or editing the course.
course type Displays the type of course selected from the drop-down list. Examples of types include: Lecture, Seminar, and Publication.
provider Displays the name of the organization that is providing the course.

Course Profile Actions

You can perform the following actions from the Course Profile:

Course Profile Child Forms

The child forms section of the Course Profile is divided into several tabs. Each tab contains one or more child forms containing information related to the course.

The following tabs are available:

  • Participation tab
  • Log Tab
  • Credits Tab
  • Fees Tab
  • Offerings Tab
  • Certification Tab

Participation Tab

Use the Course Participation Tab to track the participants and event participants who register for this course. There are two child forms under the Participation tab; the participants child form which shows those participants that register through the certification module (i.e., those courses not associated to an Event) and the event participants child form, which shows those participants who register for a course through an Event being held rather than an independent course. When your Certification Course is independent of an Event, your participants often register through eWeb, or you might register them yourself using the Register button on the Course Profile Actions Bar.

Log Tab

Use the Course Log Tab to track changes to the Course. The change log tracks any changes in values made to the Course. And who made the changes.

Credits Tab

Use the Credits Tab to track any credits related to this course. You can also add credits. Certification Programs normally have a designated amount of credits a certificant must achieve before the individual is considered certified. The credits child form is where you can specify how many credits each course is worth.

Fees Tab

Use the fees tab to track and add course fees. A course fee should be set-up for each course. Associated with the course fee is the course name, location, course dates, session names, start and end times, estimated and actual number of attendees.

Offerings Tab

Use the offerings tab to track event offerings and course/exam offerings. You can also add event offerings. The Offerings Tab is used to track each Event your course is associated with as well as the individual Course Sessions and Registrants for those sessions. Remember, courses and registrants not associated with an Event are tracked on the Participation Tab discussed in the previous section. There are two child forms under the Offerings Tab; the event child form which tracks each Event the course is associated with and the course/exam offerings child form which tracks individual session offerings and registrants for those sessions.

Certification Tab

Use the certification tab to track and add certification programs that include this course.